The GDPR introduces a duty for you to appoint a data protection officer (DPO) if you are a public authority or body, or if you carry out certain types of processing activities.
Benefits of a DPO :-
DPOs assist you to monitor internal compliance, inform and advise on your data protection obligations, provide advice regarding Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) and act as a contact point for data subjects and the supervisory authority.
The DPO must be independent, an expert in data protection, adequately resourced, and report to the highest management level.
A DPO can be an existing employee or externally appointed.
DPOs can help you demonstrate compliance and are part of the enhanced focus on accountability.
Data Protection Officer *
Position of the DPO
The DPO reports directly to the highest level of management and is given the required independence to perform their tasks.
DPO is informed, in a timely manner, in all issues relating to the protection of personal data.
DPO is sufficiently well resourced to be able to perform their tasks.
DPO cannot be penalised for performing their duties and should therefore have the trust of authority
The DPO should not have tasks which result in a conflict of interests with their role as a DPO.
2. Tasks of the DPO
The DPO is tasked with monitoring compliance with the GDPR and other data protection laws, our data protection policies, awareness-raising, training, and audits.
The company takes account of the DPO’s advice and the information they provide on the company’s data protection obligations.
The company, when carrying out a DPIA, seeks the advice of the DPO who also monitors the process.
The DPO acts as a contact point for the ICO. The DPO co-operates with the ICO, including during prior consultations under Article 36, and will consult on any other matters.
The DPO has due regard to the risk associated with processing operations, and takes into account the nature, scope, context and purposes of processing.
The DPO will be easily accessible as a point of contact for our employees, individuals and the ICO and the contact details of the DPO will be published and communicated to the ICO.
* See Article 38 Position of the Data Protection Officer and
Article 39 Tasks of the Data Protection Officer